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Dr. phil. Juan Almarza Anwandter


Dipl.-Ing. architect, graduated from Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile (1997). Magister in Theory and History of Art, Universidad de Chile (2017). His professional activity has been developed in a wide spectrum of fields, ranging from private housing to major scale buildings, also involving interior and furniture design, with emphasis in the development of specific constructive details and 1:1 solutions. Since year 2000 and in parallel to his professional activity he has developed his academic career as professor and lecturer in different institutions, both in Chile and Germany, focusing his interests mainly in the fields of aesthetic theory (late 19th and early 20th century), phenomenology, and arts critical theory. He has obtained his doctoral degree in Technische Universität Berlin with a thesis on Nietzsche´s concept of Grand Style (2020). Currently he lives and works in Berlin as independent architect, academic, artist and art critic.



Professional Experience:



  • 2006-2024 Independent projects (private houses, corporate buildings, object and interior design)


  • 1999-2006 Works as chief manager of Cazu Zegers Architecture Studio, Santiago, Chile


  • 1997-1998 Staff member of Morelli-Bravo Architects, Santiago, Chile


  • 1996-1997 Staff member of Vial y Vives Ingenieros, Santiago, Chile


Academic Experience:



  • 2020-2024 Lecturer, Introduction to Architecture I-II / Drawing and Visualization / History of Architecture - Berlin International University of Applied Sciences


  • WS 2020 Lecturer, Institut für Architektur, Fachgebiet Architekturtheorie - TU Berlin


  • 2020-2022 Lecturer, Textil- und Flächendesign - Weißensee Kunsthochschule Berlin


  • 2001-2015 Professor of Architecture and Design in Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile


  • 2010-2014 Professor of Architectural Hand-Sketching and Morphology, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago, Chile


  • 2014 Professor of Architecture and Context, Universidad San Sebastián, Santiago, Chile


  • 2000-2010 Professor of Architecture, Universidad de Talca, Chile


  • 2001-2002 Assistant Professor, Pontificia Universidad Católica, Chile


Seminar Lectures:



  • 11/2019 About the Role of Digital Technologies in the Modelling of Contemporary Architectural Experience. 6th Forum Netzwerk Architekturwissenschaft “Utopia Computer”, UDK Berlin.


  • 09/2018 Between Being and Becoming: towards a metaphysical reading of architectural signs. 2nd summer school “Between intellectual and sensory reason: towards an epistemology of architecture”. Inter-University Centre Dubrovnik, Croatia.


  • 12/2016 On Limits, Identity and Hybridization. Lecture for Seminar “Boundary apparatus”, organized by Dr. Sandra Meireis and Rena Tavernaraki. TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Architekturtheorie.


  • 06/2016 On the “Pathos of closeness”: about the notion of experience in contemporary architectural practices.1st International conference “Think-Design-Build – Architectural matters”. IfA, TU Berlin, June 2016.


  • 02/2016 Nietzsche´s Grand Style: Towards an architectural interpretation. 1st. PhD Colloquium, History and Political critique of Architecture – Berlin Milano research group. Institut für Architektur, TU Berlin


  • 08/2008 About the process of Design: Three scales of project analysis. UDD Concepción, Chile.


  • 06/2006 Geopoetics of Territory: Chile, in search of an Identity profile. Observatorio de Lastarria, Santiago, Chile.


  • 10/1998 “Hospedería del Errante”: towards a morphogenetic-topological model of architectural shape-generation. PUC Lo Contador, Santiago, Chile (with Prof. Manuel Casanueva)





  • Zeitlose Schönheit. Über Athens antike Denkmäler. In: Maske, Anna (Ed.). Architekturführer Athen. Berlin: DOM Publishers, 2023.


  • Zwischen Vergangenheit, Kontext und Zukunft: über Athens zeitgenössische Architektur. In: Maske, Anna (Ed.). Architekturführer Athen. Berlin: DOM Publishers, 2023.


  • About the Current (and Future) Implications of the Process of Digitalization in Our Everyday Experience. In: Bredella, Nathalie; Dähne, Chris; Lausch, Frederike (Eds.). Utopia Computer - The "new" in architecture?. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2023,


  • Almarza Anwandter, Juan; Bovelet, Jan; Dürfeld, Michael; Neubert, Christine; Schneider, Peter I.; Weckherlin, Gernot; Froschauer, Eva Maria, editors. Architekturwissenschaft. Vom Suffix Zur Agenda. Universitätsverlag der TU Berlin, 2021, doi:10.14279/depositonce-11388


  • Between Being and Becoming: the language of metaphysics in architecture. In: SAJ – Serbian Architectural Journal, Vol 10_1. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, 2018.


  • Mit den Augen eines Engels. In: Gianfranco Foschino-Hidden Stories. Bielefeld / Berlin: Kerber Verlag, 2018.


  • Aguirre, la ira de Dios y la melancolía de los hombres. In: V/A, Revista Despliegue, Facultad de Artes Universidad de Chile. Santiago: LOM, 2016.


  • Rio Maule: de lo bello a lo sublime. In: V/A, Aguas Cruciales, Libro I. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad del Desarrollo, 2016.


  • Parque Arauco, rostro y figura. In: V/A, Se llama Santiago. Santiago: Ediciones Universidad del Desarrollo - AOA, 2011.


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